Who is your biggest enemy?

Sharing is caring!

If you have been reading my posts for a while now the answer should be obvious.

For the new readers I will spell it out; You are!

Yip – you are the person that holds yourself back, you are the one that talks you out of the successes you should be enjoying. It is you and yes only you that can change this.

Think back over the past couple of years. What could you have done differently to change the outcomes?

Did you navigate and pivot as best as you could have or did you find an excuse or someone or something to blame?

I am fully aware and appreciative of circumstances and that they are different for everyone. What is not an excuse is to blame your bad choices or outcomes on these.

You have to make the most of whatever is thrown at you and not only can you survive, you will come out stronger and better and ready for the next tidal wave.

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you loved today’s article (sorry couldn’t resist).


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