It’s easy to get distracted by all the possibilities and opportunities out there.
Hell, I am forever trying to do new things and get new products or services launched.
Instead we need to sit down and identify three core drivers.
Once we have chosen these we must focus on them, enhance them and go for them.
This is a lot easier said than done. It is possible but needs discipline and planning. Look at your business. Identify what it is you do (this sounds strange I know but you will be amazed how many people don’t know what they do)!
I’ll prove it – A plumbing business should be obvious, right?
Its not. The core driver or service offered could be domestic plumbing or commercial. It could be wholesale or retail. Maybe you supply plumbing parts and every now and then do a few jobs too.
You see where I am going with this? Within everything we do there is so many potential permutations that we can actually get lost doing what we thought we were doing and not actually doing anything.
If you have a business and you enjoy what you do then protect it and grow it. If not, remember yesterday’s post about Time?
Don’t waste any more, change!
Stop wasting time on the peripheral stuff. Love what you do. Love your product or service. Love your customers.
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