Want to buy some cookies?

Sharing is caring!

Image: Papercity Magazine

If you don’t have a sister or daughter that has been in the Girl Scouts or not living in America then this may be strange to you.

The Rule of 3 is how the Girl Scouts close the sale of their cookies (biscuits) outside shopping centres, libraries , hell anywhere.

It simple:

Don’t take NO for an Answer until you have tried 3 times!

When trying to sell something after the 1st No advise the prospect of the benefit that the product or service offers.

On the 2nd No redirect the usage to someone else for example – if they say they personally don’t consume what you are selling suggest a friend or family member may and

Finally on the 3rd No advise them of the indirect benefits of supporting you (like proceeds going to a good cause or direct benefits of institutions).

It’s easy to accept the first No and give up. We don’t give up. Leave no sale behind!


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