When we trade things – it is critical to make sure you trade up!
Everything we do is a trade off – do you go out to dinner or save money and eat at home? Do you lie on the beach for an extra hour or go home and do your housework?
You see you can’t have it all – there is always a trade-off – everything we do comes at a price or indirect cost.
So the secret is to find the trades that cost a few coins but return us lots of dollars.
A few moments of cold-calling could nett a deal worth thousands.
I am currently growing a new business called Kazoik (kazoik.com). It requires suppliers and customers.
I can’t get customers to spend if there are no suppliers and vice versa.
So – the decision (quoting a famous movie) – “If you build it they will come”
By putting in the time and building the platform, I am making sure that I will have a supply for people to come and buy.
This is a small inverstment into what will hopefuly return 10x the effort and costs.
This is turning coins into dollars.
Invest in yourself – take a few dollars and retain the services of a life or business coach.
I do workshops for my clients where I ensure they leave with tons more value that the actual dollar cost of the time we spent together.
If being coached is not for you, buy a book (and actually read it) – the cost of the book will be returned multiple times if you apply the principles.
Don’t penny pinch, don’t waste time on small deals; big deals take as much effort as small ones but return so much more.
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Image: Maxipik