What a week! I hope that my Sprautumn thinking has helped.
Last one before the weekend.
Now for the physical!
Is your actual space (or world) organised?
We have looked at the emotional and non physical requirements this last week.
Now the place where we work – whether this is physical ie clean your desk – if digital, like me, create an Archive folder and just dump everything that you are not working on inside and file it.
Given that we find ourselves working from home now this is probably the most important step in the Sprautumn cleaning as work and living are now truly one.
It may scare you – but it is really refreshing – and somewhat liberating.
Only throw away that which you know you wont need – if its not instrumental for the work ahead – bin it.
If you may need it – archive it
But whatever you do – get rid of it!
Clear your space for the new.
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