Making an impact – 1 of 2

Sharing is caring!

Lets end the week with a 2 parter 🙂

What is the most impactful trait of being a leader?


When you act, say and do all in the same way – people will follow you.

This is impact!

Take any of the great leaders – they walk the talk so to speak.

They put forward a vision and then live it and portray it in everyday life.

To make an impact – be the change that others want to change in others or themselves.

Impact and change starts with you. If you make a change that will impact others this is what true leadership is about. You see you can not stand up and tell people to go to gym if you do not train yourself.

The opposite however has the impact you desire.

Stand up and announce that you will be going to gym, then do it, then in a few weeks report back and show the results! This is impact


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Image: Optimy

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