How to get things done!

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Photo: Worknme

The HOW equals the quality.

Are you happy to put your name to the output?

Happy to sign off on it?

Don’t do it if it’s not worth it.

Don’t hand it in if you not prepared to sign it. You are your product and you need to be the best in fact you need to be 3x the best and always offer 3x more than 100%

The difference between success and ordinary is How we do things and are they the best we can do. We have all faced decisions where we have to submit something due to a deadline or goal and submitted that which may not have been the best we could have done.

A successful person would rather not hand in and face the consequences than deliver something they are not happy to put their name too.

This rings very true in the services industry. This is a deadline-driven environment and so the deliverable is the KPI. The important lesson here is that you are remembered on your last output not always the totality of your career.

So ask yourself, was the last thing you delivered the best it could have been? If not, why did you deliver it and what are you going to do to ensure you don’t make that mistake again?


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