“One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is to decide which bridges to cross or which to burn”.
– Oprah Winfrey
Today’s post is not about relationships – this is about decisions and offerings. (I never advocate burning relationships – you never know what the future holds – there are ways to sever ties with people but we can chat about that another time).
A common problem is that we have too many products or offerings in our business and this causes us to lose focus and sometimes even profitability.
A great example is the tech space. When you have too many products in your mix, chances are that there will be people that want them – but what would happen if you cut back the range to only a couple of items. Some people would miss the now discontinued ones but the number that leave because of this should be minimum if your product and brand is good.
I run Virtual Malls and Auction Sites – the temptation for me is to load as many products as I can and then see if I get some sales. Guess what – I would probably confuse people with too much choice and in the end they don’t buy and go to the mainstay that they previously bought.
This is the point!
Create a great product or service and then market it until it really can’t be used anymore. Then launch its replacement and start again.
Rinse and repeat.
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Image: Twenty 20