Understand the numbers

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Image: dreamstime

More than 50% of the top CEO’s in the world have a background in Finance and of those more than 20% are Registered Accountants!

There is a reason for this:

Investors want to know that the person leading the company knows and understands the value and importance of money!

I have spoken to so many people who run their own businesses or are in senior positions in companies and don’t have a good grasp of the financial side of things.

If you do not understand money and finances then you can not plan or work towards financial success. Equally, you won’t see financial turmoil until it’s too late.

I was taught a saying by a Financial director (who went on to become a CEO) early in my career that I since lived and run my businesses by:

Turnover is Vanity
Profit is Sanity
Cash is Reality!

If you can understand and execute against these 3 pillars you will always be in a good place when it comes to making decisions for your business.

If you are needing help in the financial side of things in life and/or your business it is never too late to get some help and be taught the basic fundamentals that will make a big difference at the end of the day.


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