Mental toughness part 3 of 3

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So – we understood the 4 C’s, then we scared ourselves into action, now – let’s look at the emotional aspect of the mind.

Our minds are weak when it comes to its emotional EQ.

Look at advertising – this is aimed square on at your emotionally immature mind.

We get manipulated into buying things we don’t need,

So how do you do it?

Here’s the knee-jerk!

It’s not will-power or discipline.

This only works for a certain amount of time.

We need to use the weakness and turn it into a strength.

By making it hard to make a bad choice – its hard to make a bad choice.

If you have a tendency to eat stuff you shouldn’t – make sure those things are not around for you to eat – if they not there – you can’t eat them, right?

What is important, is to make sure that this is actually working though – you may need to get someone to monitor you.

“Do I look like I’m losing weight?” – if they answer honestly – then you will know whether your processes are working or not.

Same for everything else – tell a key person what you are planning to do and ask them to hold you accountable – this helps with you making your mind stronger and fighting the urges to relapse into the familiar.

The mind is your strongest ally and your biggest enemy, chose the former!


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Image: ylhsthewrangler

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