Over the last 2 days I have been basically saying attack rather than defend.
Lets bring it full circle.
If a customer is looking for something and doesn’t know where to find it – they will probably either Google it or ask a trusted source.
If you are not online or not part of people’s referral circle then chances are the work will not come to you.
Here’s a news flash.
Work will NEVER just come to you – even if you tick both of the above boxes.
You have to always be looking, posting, and attacking.
The old cliché of not winning the lottery if you don’t have a ticket is basically the under current here.
If you want work – go get it – it is there to be got!
Here in Australia when SA needed electricity – Elon Musk laid the gauntelt of building the world’s biggest battery in 100 days or it is free!
Not only did he get the contract (and probably charged more than what other sources of energy would cost ) but he delivered and is now building in VIC and NSW – which will be bigger than the first one – so he has secured even more work from work that was never there to start!
Attack is always the best form of defense.
I know this may seem a bit more aggressive than my usual writings – but we are going into the slow period now – this is the time we reflect and in such – the time we plan.
Plan the new you.
Plan to be the success you want to be (not the person others want you to be)
Go and be awesome!
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