How to slap a crisis in the face part 3 of 5?

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I have spoken about managing crises over the past 2 days.

The next part is to ensure you have good relationships in place.

People that are in your life that warm your heart. People that you want to be around and want to have around.

People that elevate you emotionally and intellectually.

People that make you want to do more and be better.

People that have experience and resources.

A network that can be leveraged to help you further your business.

These cannot just be set up or created when needed. These people need to be around for a long time so that when a crisis happens they are already there. These people need to already be part of your life.

There is an investment required here. You need to invest time and energy and emotion into these relationships.

You can only be propped up when someone is there to prop you up.

I don’t have a lot of people in my life (I am not counting my followers or “friends” on social networks – I am talking about real people but the ones I have, have been there and always will be if and whenever I need them as I will be there for them should they need me.

If you going to war – take the best damn soldiers you can as your life depends on it. Use this same mentality when deciding who you want to socialise with and spend time with.


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