Do you feel like you are in a slump?

Sharing is caring!

I mentioned yesterday that we have moments of challenges and ruts every now and then.

Mine is coming from the perception vs reality page of the book of life.

I have been looking at what I don’t have instead of what I do.

Remember – I am human too.

I am evaluating my current position and this has caused some frustrations for me.

In sitting down with my coach and acknowledging that there is an imbalance and then looking for the solution I have realised that it is actually ambition that is the cause of good and evil in my and probably your lives too.

You see it’s the ambition that makes us want and then do. It’s the ambition that keeps us motivated and ensures we work hard.

It is also this same ambition that can put us into the downer when we realise that no matter how hard we are working or what we are doing we are not and may not achieve or acquire that which we desire.

This is not a negative realisation, it is just reality. However, it is one that if you can understand as well as accept, it will make your lives a bit easier.

You see – pushing too hard and being to focused sometimes causes you to forget what you have.

Looking down at your phone reading emails while at your son’s soccer game may cause you to miss the goal he scores.

Will this affect your career? No.

Will you not get a deal or close a sale because of it? Probably not.
It is however the trade-off that bites when you do miss the goal and for whatever other reason, don’t get the deal.

Your ambition now cost you a special moment and you didn’t get anything in return.

I have spoken about trade-offs before.

So, sometimes you need to put your drive in park and actually look at what you have and more importantly what you could lose in pursuing that which you desire.

If you need someone to help you get through a slump, please book a time with me and let’s unpack and identify what you have and how luck you are!


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