This is a powerful lesson.
In finance this principle has been the core standard of creating wealth. By reinvesting the returns or interest earned on the primary capital investment the growth of the wealth is compounded as we earn interest on our interest.
This is great advice but this isn’t an economics blog so why am I mentioning this?
Aristotle’s quote wasn’t about money – it was about everything.
You see if you repeatedly work on something it will eventually bear fruit.
You need to be better every day. Consistency is an important ingredient to keep you going. Everyday – we are training for tomorrow – dedication and commitment is a trait that will stand you in good stead. This can be in anything in life- be consistent.
You will not see the results of one day’s work but if you do the same amount (or more) everyday , after a few weeks the results are astounding.
Try it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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