Can you stay cool under pressure?

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We all know the person that is always calm under pressure. That guy or girl who has their stuff together when everything is melting around them.

Do you panic or bear down?

Panic is the fight or flight mode – not good.
Bear down – everything shuts down.

These are not good leadership qualities.

I have in my earlier years had both of these (not proud to say) and I think about it now – my team must have thought what the actual f….
As their leader you are required no, you have to stay calm.

You have to be cool and collected and even more so in times of stress and panic (not yours, Theirs).
If you can master this you are a leader. If not, sorry – but you are not. It really is that simple.

Remember being the CEO does not make you a leader, it makes you a boss.
How you behave and what you do or say in front of your team and customers (and the Board) that is what will determine if you are a leader or not.

So remember this the next time the proverbial hits the fan.


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