But is it all work?

Sharing is caring!

This whole week I have spoken about planning and executing.

How to avoid being distracted and how to own the morning and ultimately the day.

Today is Friday and it is no different except for one thing. The planning you do this evening should be about the fun and quality family time you will be having over the weekend.

Too many of us work hard during the week and then want to just do nothing on the weekends.

This is not good for multiple reasons.

First of all – being sedentary or spending too much time sitting is not only bad for you Monday to Friday. It is bad all the time.

Being successful and motivated is a trait that should be applied 247.

Plane the precious time you have with your family or loved ones.

Don’t let the day get away from you and then find you land up doing nothing on Saturday (or Sunday) because you didn’t plan it.

This is not only a waste of quality time and opportunities to do something cool but it is not healthy for you and it works to break your routines.

I hear you saying, “Brett, we need a chance to switch off an unwind…” the answer is simple, do it, but plan to do it. Communicate with everyone that this is what you plan to do (see what I did there?) and so (a) they are aware of what is happening and (b) if they chose not to have a rest day they can plan to do something else and not waste their day. Remember though, this should be an occasional thing and not planned for every weekend!

Have a great Friday and good weekend.


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