You have switched off, so now what?

Sharing is caring!

I do try practice what I preach.

So I took my own advice, as I had a presentation that needed to be done and then listed what was potentially going to derail my concentration and proceeded to switch it off or mute.

The good news, I got what needed to be done, done.

The bad – I had two upset people.

One a client and the other my wife.

Lets start with the client – she desperately needed to get hold of me and she phoned and emailed and sent a text.

It wasn’t serious or relationship threatening but we don’t want to upset clients – so the lesson is that in the preparation – plan for the emergencies. Set up an Out of Office or change your voicemail advising people that you are not available.

She would then have been advised that I was not contactable and even better I would have had a forward onto my assistant or a link to an email/phone number so the client could contact them.

The issue with my wife, not so serious – she wanted to spend money and wanted to ask me about the purchase – as she couldn’t get hold of me she didn’t make the purchase.

I would say that was actually a good thing (hopefully she doesnt read this…)

If you need additional help getting organised check out this brilliant course in the SME Mall


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