What scares you?

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Spiders! But this post is not about those types of fears!

We all have fears – but when it comes to business – most of us have the same fear.

That we not good enough!

This is normally pressure placed on us by our parents, or friends. Its the pressure of not succeeding at the race or finishing your presentation and pitch deck in time.

So what do we do? We fake it till we make it!

This unfortunately is the wrong reaction.

Self-doubt causes us to do all kinds of things.

So here is the solution.

You don’t need to fake it as you have made it!

You are in the position that you in because… you deserve to be there.

You are a successful entrepreneur because you have put in the time.

Doubting ourselves causes all kinds of stress and unhappiness.

This is the reason that most successful people continue to work.

They have a need to prove to themselves that they belong in their positions.

Sound familiar?

So hopefully this helps. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are who you are, where you are and why you are there and that when you feel like you don’t deserve to be where you are enjoying the things you are tell yourself to get knotted!

You will experience these feelings time and time again – it is normal and if you don’t, you are not working hard enough.

Doubt is the worst fear in the world, even worse than spiders – so eradicate it from your life.


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