Why are you here?
Not just here reading this post, but here in the Universe.
What is your purpose? What are you here to do or achieve? What is it that you would want your legacy to be?
The most important question is:
Do you want to be remembered for what you did or for what you didn’t do?
Can you imagine people saying, “He was so good at doing that, imagine what he could have achieved if he had only done the other thing”.
We have all said “Stop worrying about what others think, just focus on what you are doing!”
It is crucial to understand what others think. If you don’t know and its bad, how do you fix it or change the perception?
This is morbid, but it’s Thursday so you will have to forgive me: Write your own Eulogy and see how it reads!
This is what you want people to remember you for – the important part, is that you need them to be aware that you were (or in this case, are) that person. Don’t wait till its too late, do it now!
If you overwhelmed and it all seems like too much, book a time with me and I can help you unpack it.
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