Referrals is still the biggest and best way of getting business.
It’s how I do and have always done my business.
We spend so much time on bought media (which is not a bad thing if done correctly – ask me how).
But not leveraging your network or positive customers is a sin.
When was the last time you really used your network?
When did you last reach out to customers and ask for a positive review?
The important lesson today is bad referrals (or complaints) spread faster and further than good ones. This really hits home the importance of positive referrals.
The big kicker:
Focus on the simple and basic elements.
If you are a cleaning company, clean! You can have the best brand, catchy logo and pay-off line but if you don’t clean and clean well, you won’t be in business too long.
Over delivery is great – but once you set this level of expectation – it is really hard to stay at that level.
Think about it – if you looking to get a cleaning service would you get a referral? Or, would you just hire someone off an advert?
So get the network working for you and start to grow some potential to take you into the start of next year!
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